Saturday, August 31, 2013

What NOT to do with your teeth. . . .

As the son of an orthodontist, I grew up with expectations about using my teeth to chew healthy, non-sugary food. I remember my Pa brushing my teeth if I did not do an acceptable job upon his inspection. My teeth are actually stripped yellow because I ate the fluoride pills like candy. Thanks to my Pa you wouldn't be able to tell that or the fact that I had braces on and off for over six years, since we never had regular appointments.
The following may or may not have been experienced by the author, I take the 5th, it can be neither confirmed or denied(I hope my Pa never comes across this): up pants zipper(yours or anyone elses)-this is a general observation that applies to the rest of the list.
2.bite/trim toenails Top Raumen spice packet
4.tear off a piece of TP
5.get a snarl out of hair
6.text/type or dial
7.hold/pull electrical cord
8. flip pages of a book
9. hold diapers wipes (used or not)
10. flip on/off light switches
Happy, just chewing.

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