Friday, August 16, 2013

" For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also(3Nephi 13:21)"

In our challenge to become.This scripture spells it out for us.What do we desire the most? What is our treasure? Does my life reflect this? What do I spend my time doing? Where are my thoughts? It also is written,"you reap what you sow," (Galatians 6:7)and in a Thing of Wonder, "Keep one eye on the law of the echo."or karma. 'a rose by any other name. . . ' I am told that I am very introspective, but that does not mean that I am good at it. I am good at stream of consciousness- connecting one thought to another. that does not mean that you are able to follow my TBI thought connections.
Matt, my twin brother is one of the hardest workers that I know. He desires the best for his family and knows that work will get him the best. We have great friends. like Brett Borg and Ryan Morris, who are not afraid to work hard and long hours to provide for their family either.Thank you all for your example.You are looked up to more than I am able to express here.
Lex loves to teach and to be on stage, I tell people that she is my connection to culture. Love you Babe.
In a world concerned and set on the superficial, to be grounded in the "Longitudinal perspective" that comes from the Gospel of Jesus Christ is strengthening and a reward in its self, by the treasured peace that it gives me by living it.

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