Saturday, June 8, 2013

Milestones/victories of a CHAMPION

My Pa keeps reminding me we go from 49 to 50, not 0 to 100, step by step, one bite of the elephant at a time, I recently read another image provoking thought, I think it is called a metaphor that helps me in this part of my life therapy,  it is one of an hourglass and how many grains of sand can fit through the narrow neck- only one at a time. I find it very important for me to remember and rejoice in what I am able to do.Some of my milestones since the accident are: Sitting up in bed,standing for five minutes in a height adjusted walker, counting backwards by 7's from 99, it isn't as easy as it sounds,getting up and making it to the bathroom by myself, Lex bought me a pin that has a stick-figure person standing with TP that says,'I pooped today,' going back to work part time, walking, baring my testimony, staying home with the kids by myself for an hour, Showering by myself, changing a diaper, Coleman's, not mine, going anywhere without my yellow beauty, my wheelchair,Doing the dishes, reading a book without pictures, Walking around the block, getting off pain meds,speaking in church,Being Mr. Mom all day, getting my Colester down for a nap, Getting to our ward house on time for meetings, just one street over, taking out the garbage, volunteering in kindergarten  getting on the floor to play Batman with Max and Coleman and being able to get up and off of it, having the torso strength to take the arm rests off my wheelchair, walking a mile on the Locomat at Neroworx, Bring the empty garbage cans in, off the street, not having to nap during the day, staying up past 8:30, getting up before noon, going to a job interview, going anywhere in a car without losing what was in my stomach. Handbiking 0.25 of a mile, To be continued. . . .

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is an impressive list... I don't dare to compare it to mine. You blow me out of the water Mr. Mom!
