Tuesday, June 25, 2013


H ungry
A ngry
L onely
T ired
This comes from Jim Lewis and represents times when we are all most vulnerable to not only be attacked by a weakness, but to be exploited by it as well, so, if you find yourself in one of these situations and are under bombardment-stop and counter attack by solving the problem at hand first. We forget how old satan is sometimes and that he knew us before in the pre-mortal existence, he has been at this for a long time and has refined his techniques, as well as expanding his arsenal.
I believe that he has a fungshwae approach to handling us, not only exploiting our weaknesses, but using our own momentum of the strengths that we have been blessed with to get us off track. In the 'Whole Armour of God,' the author reminds us that lucifer was in a position to influence a third of the hosts of heaven to follow him and makes that point to help us realize to not underestimate his charismatic, inciting pull. He is also not all doom and gloom and in his book, sets up ways that we all can use the Gospel truths and ultimately the atonement to guard ourselves from his attacks. One of the most important fact that he tries to make us forget is that we are not alone.

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