Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Sharpening the saw

This life principle comes from Steven R. Covey and is one of his 'Seven Habits of Highly effective people.' From what I recall of this principle, the idea is that you cannot do anything with a dull saw, and so it is with ourselves, if we are not in working order and all 'sharpened' to our full potential, we cannot do our best. in other words, we need to take care of ourselves in order to help and care for others the best way that we can.
I once texed my friend in California that I was doing CHAMPION, I was on an antidepressant, stool softener, anti anxiety, and anti-insomnia meds, how could I not be? His reply was, 'I got to get me some.' Well my friend, when you got it you got it. You got it on your own, so continue to be CHAMPION without meds. Love you Christopherson. Find something that sharpens your saw, from eating right and staying hydrated to finding solace in nature and connecting with something greater than yourself, or doing a crossword puzzle, soduku.

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