Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Death Therapy

One of my favorite movies is 'What about Bob?' Lex has bought me two copies and I could re-watch this over and over again, still getting sore from laughing so hard every time. About a month ago I was talking to my twin brother Matthew about it and he mentioned how sad it made him that he could relate to Dr. Leo Marvin so much, 'He is a nice Dr. trying to do his best to not allow a patient cross that patient-Dr. relationship boundary, I am not sure that I would do anything different.'
My favorite part is the ending when it reads that 'Bob' wrote a best seller called 'Death therapy' and Leo was suing him for the rights. I do not recommend going through death therapy to anyone, it is too painful for you and your loved ones. Having lived through my own death therapy. I can say that I am better off because of it. 'your death therapy cured me you genius!' I am still a work in process, however.
I have had this post written for a few months, I couldn't resist posting it on my b-day.

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