Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Milestones of a Wannabe CHAMPION

  • I still go with my Pa Baugh every Thursday to Neuroworx. In fact, if he is out of town, he arranges for me to be picked up, usually by Kevy my younger brother or my Aunt Cindy at 8:30 to get there and then my Amers to first tend my  Coleman while I'm there and then pick me up at noonish. Lucky them.

Check in on my progress:
 I can now Listen to music while doing the dishes. Which is super significant, normally I'm unable to focus on doing more than one thing at a time, but while I'm at therapy, music is on and someone will vacuum every now and then, ahh the carry over in "real"life. 
I pick things up off of our floor
I'm cane-less inside my home. Thanks to my Grandpa Morgan for inspiring me with his example
I've Realized that if I don’t do it at therapy, I won’t likely do it at home.

At my last Dr. Speed appointment, he would not give me an order for PT because it is coming up on 5 years since the accident. I’m now considered a “remote” TBI patient. He told me that he knew that Neuroworx had a different philosophy, his words were, “They have a vested interest.”
I Chatted with Matt Hansen about this, called and talked with Jan, and then Dale caught me at Neuroworx to tell me that it was alright and they would continue to provide services to me, with or without a doctor's script.
I worked with Big Man Matt a few weeks ago there and was able to pick up a row of weights from the floor. I’m continually amazed at what I’m able to do, if I trust in the therapists and just go for it. He had me do a few steps without holding on to a handrail for support a few weeks before this. Some of my other ADL that I have now thanks to continued therapy(Activities of Daily Life)are:
Using “George” to:

  •  turn on and off light-switches,
  • Flush the toilet(I guess I will have to start washing my left hand now too after I use the "potty"),
  •  shut drawers,
  •  turn on & off faucets,
  •   Open drawers
When I walk downstairs I touch the left wall on every other step, or go down with my good leg first, which makes "Bob" have to bend
Also with the stairs, I am able to walk upstairs “frontways” Coleman’s way of telling me to not walk backwards up the stairs. Something I do because we have a handrail on the right side going down. I've done the "frontways" upstairs without the rail or cane for about a week now. 
My Mondays at home are now laundry days that I spend washing.
 I am able to sweep and mop the kitchen floor.
Picking things up off the floor
Plugging in the vacuum and using it.

Things that I’m working on(to be continued):
I want to be able to use my three levels of garden in our backyard
Conquer the dropped floor in our living room
Cook more often
Bear-hug my kiddos and Lex

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