I'm not sure if I wrote this yet, but a few months ago I was at Neuroworx and went into their restroom where I shower after therapy. I was surprised to see my therapist Matt Carter in there doing some therapy with a patient on mobility in the bathroom. We, as I do with all my PTs, and most of my friends, share a playful banter relationship. He jumped on the opportunity to razz me a bit and asked if I was using what we had just finished working on. I was just as quick to respond with, "I'm just trying to shower! Man, you guys are every where!"
But his comment has stuck with me. Lex has asked me why I go to therapy if I don't implement what I am working on there, here at hom? My come back has been that I need it for the social therapy, if nothing else, I get one on one time with my Dr. Pa Baugh.
I'm finally coming around to realizing that if I don't attempt it in therapy, it more than likely will not happen at home, or in my life for that matter.
Today I showed up with my "carryover." I'm currently on a rotating schedule with all the therapists at Neuroworx. I kid with them and say that they have to share the love/CHAMPION-ness. I've got them all well trained to humor me. Back to me showing up with my "carryover," I worked with Matt today and went in to Neuroworx wearing a postit note on the right side of my glasses, very much like a horse with blinders. He had put one on me the last time I worked with him to see if it would help me to overcome my left-side neglect. I've been wearing a postit at home for about a month now. My sweet Abby told me not to wear it anywhere else, but home, because it's just weird. I'm afraid that you'll just have to get used to my weirdness my Abbyster, because it's not going away anytime soon and hopefully neither is the carryover.
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