Thursday, September 12, 2013

Temple Twist

not to be confused with a twisted temple. My sister Lacer gets married in the Salt Lake LDS temple today,and I wanted to share what I am still learning.I have always thought that temples were for us to become closer to our Heavenly Father, sanctuaries for us, in The God Who Weeps, the authors explain how a temple is a sanctuary for Him, not us, to protect Him from the sufferings and misery in the world, "It is not their wickedness, but their 'misery'not their disobedience, but their 'suffering'that elicit the God of Heaven's tears"I love the image of a loving God who needs a safe place from His sorrows over us.
My Pa wants to and I believe that he should write a follow up book titled "The God Who Laughs." I do not want to come across of making light of something as sacred as our relationship with our Father in Heaven, yet I do know that is obtainable only when I am completely honest with myself and laugh at how ridiculous I must come across at times to Him.

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