Monday, September 30, 2013

"Serenity Now!"

-Mr Kastanza on Seinfeld. As I age I find that I am more irritable and that annoys me. I want to be improving in life and not digressing.I mumbled this one Friday at Neuroworx while getting harnessed for the Locomat. I forgot that Mike and Justin, my two quote quizzing therapists were not there, so I just got a bunch of questioning looks, instead of smiles and nods with, 'good one' remarks.
In my Elders Quorum, the lesson was on pornography. I missed it, but had my friend and teacher of the lesson Ryan Castro give me his notes.As I read through them the phrase that kept jumping out at me was, "We have to get tec-savy, as toe-curling as it seems, we are the first generation that will have to talk to it's children about pornography." Yikes,Serenity Now!Indeed.It is everywhere and it is up to us as parents to protect our kids. here's the link to his notes:

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