We watched Disney's A Dolphin's Tale for the past week, Abby's favorite animal is a dolphin. She has the habit of assigning out parts to everyone, no matter what show we are watching, so it was no surprise that she chose to be 'Hazel,' Max was quick to speak up and say that he was 'Sawyer,' I was expecting to be assigned the part of 'Winter'
the dolphin or Sawyer's cousin who does not have the full use of one of his legs, To my chagrin my Colemister looked at me and shouted, "Daddy, you Roofus!" (Roofus is the silly pelican that steals the fish that is suppose to be for Winter and waddles as pelicans to to walk)at first, I was sad and then he laughed and shook his head and said in a big smile, "NO! I Roofus!"
Amyers told me that her Jaylee cannot wait to come and go swimming in "Grandpa Mike's pool"
My niece runs and jumps into the pool, yelling, "Candyball!" Instead of Cannonball.
Coleman swam by himself with floaties on
My lawn still looking the best it ever has because I am not taking care of it.
Jan Black yelling at me at Neuroworx that, "You're not a flamingo Curtis!"
Shanena coming back from El Salvador, and me asking her how Ecuador was. Reminds me of the time that I was doing therapy there at Neuroworx and was on the treadmill walking and was taking a break sitting on a folding chair on the treadmill, when she turned the treadmill on, another therapist caught me and turned it off.
A student PT at Neuroworx, Amy was assigned to do my evaluation, since our insurance changed with Lex's work. She had me in the exam room on the smallest table/mat that they have there. I almost fell of it when she asked me to flip over. We laughed when both Matt and Jan came in to check on how the evaluation was going, saying, 'well, at least I didn't fall off the mat, could you imagine the paperwork that would go with that?!'
I was with Amy again, poor lady this Tuesday and kept her busy asking me 'please,' when she wanted me to do something and 'thank you,' when I did. She played along and even did it in Spanish. I am excited to continue to work with her. She is also a fellow Psychology undergrad holder and humors me by talking about psych terms and jokes with me
I am looking for t-shirts that have 'CHAMPION' written on them in my quest I naturally went to the Champion clothing website and laughed when I found out that their claim to fame is:"inventors of the sport bra."I am now laughing as I type this, thinking about the google search hits this blog is going to get now. So if you are reading this because my blog was brought up in your google search for a "Sport's Bra," the joke is on you!
I want to start a bumper-sticker campaign with my friend Joe Fernandez with "My home teacher is better than yours."
I stopped by my CHAMP of a little sister's 3rd grade classroom to see her in her element as a teacher and read a book to her kids, I mentioned to my Pa how great it was to see her doing what she loved and it seemed so natural to see her teaching them. He smiled and shock his head saying, "I don't know Curtis, It seems to me that she still needs to be in school and not teaching." I laughed with my Pa having a hard time letting go of his last little girl. I am having the same hard tim watching my kids grow up.My other sister, My Amers is in town for Lacers wedding and she could not help noticing how big our
Colester is.
My Pa takes me to Neuroworx on Fridays and plays therapist. He had me going up and down the stairs a stair at a time, stopped me with a genormous smile on his face and a tear in his eye at how excited he was for me to check with my therapists to come and see me to make sure that he was not messing them or me up.Love you my Pa. thank you for being my cheer section/therapist/coach, but most of all thank you for being my Pa.
Jan Black could not wait to share with me this joke;"What is the difference between a terrorist and a therapist?You can negotiate with a terrorist."
While we were on our way to Bear Lake, Coleman looked out the window and saw some cows in the distance and announced, "I see kitties!"
I dropped my pole at the place we were staying at in Bear Lake. My sister-in-law's best friend Jen Fauset saw my plight and helped me out by picking it up for me. I laugh and told her that I dropped it while I was turning off the lights and the TV. I try to save the world, but cannot pick up my hiking pole when I drop it. I choose to focus on what I can do.She laughed with me and commented on my great attitude. I told her that I did not have much choice, it was either that or go crazy.
Maxwell and Abby went with Lex and I to Tarzan at The Hale Center Theater. It was fun to see their excitement. Max ended up sitting with Lex, he was afraid of the leopard, and Abby sat with me, she was embarrassed when Jain's dress got caught on something and got sad when Tarzan said goodbye.
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