Wednesday, March 5, 2014

"This to shall pass"

Is another on of my Pa's favorite sayings. I am finding, along with many other memorable statements how true it is.I have been told by more than one of my therapists that I have an "all or nothing mentality." A blessing and a curse at times, as with any trait or tendency, it all depends on what I choose to make of it. Let's just say that I wouldn't be on the world championship texas-holdum finals.

I have mentioned how therapeutic this has been for me to connect with others and share my successes as well as my challenges? with this all or nothing mindset I am prone to get in a rut and hyperventilate about how I am never getting out.So, once again this is more for me than anyone else, something about narcissism. Hopefully that will be just a phase and shall pass, I make it sound like breaking wind or 'fluffing' as we say in our home.

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