Monday, March 3, 2014

Hope on, I hope

I 've had a lot of thoughts on hope lateley

  1.  Without it I want to let my body crawl into the fetal position and stay in a corner to wallow. I testify that the best is yet to come and that keeps me going. one of my goals in 2014 is to baptize my Abby when she turns 8! I am getting old. Thankfully, weaknesses can be used and even become strengths, if I am humble (Ether 12:27). Now I am a hope addict. Nice for a change. in my searching on on hope, I came across this talk from Elder Neal A. Maxwell in October 1998.I was going to pull out quotes, but the more I read, the more I wanted to just insert the whole talk, so linked here it is, as well as this one.
  2. I listened to a BYU devotional by Johnathan Sandberg where he gave this math problem: grace+ action = healing. "The simplest way to act in faith is prayer." He spoke of an experience his wife had as they were teaching their primary class about prayer and she did not understand how to teach the kids the importance of praying when Heavenly Father's will, will be done anyway.She had been praying for her father who was in a comma and died despite her prayers. She tearfully got her answer as she taught that she knew that although God's will will be done. She knew that we are better off if we pray rather than not praying.
  3. Dr.Robinson talked to me frankly about in his opinion I was not going to overcome, without forming a relationship with my Heavenly Father and the first step  is by talking with Him. To have hope I need this relationship. I have a lot to learn, knowing that is the first step towards seeking hope.

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