My Grandma Baugh says I should write a book, other than a bunch of saved memos and letters to her, this is another step forward to do just that
Friday, June 20, 2014
Homeless, so We're Living with the Shaffers
how is a prison like a temple?
They're both places of hope and redemption, places of service and learning. I never thought that a prison could be considered a "Holy" place, but in hearing about their mission there and the stories of their branch President comparing the angel that visited Alma the younger and the sons of Mosiah to the angels who wore badges and carry guns who came to get theses sisters and take them to jail, as well as the stories of the sisters who find hope in the Gospel message of repentance and forgiveness.
I have learned to focus on what I can do while I am living here, always getting a "thank you" when I do the dishes, although I never am as effective as Shafe when it comes to loading the dishwasher to ultimate full capacity and still get all the dishes clean.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Coleman got tired of sitting in church, wanted to play with a toy, and when he discovered that he forgot to bring one, decided to leave and go get one.When he got home, the doors were locked and Lex found him crying on the doorstep, "No one will let me in!They don't like me!"
I fear that I am more socially inept than ever. I cannot, nor do I wish to use my TBI as an excuse.The last time my older brother was in town he and his wife were asking me about how I was doing and they noticed the prism sticker on my glasses. In explaining to them I mentioned why the sticker was only on my left lens, not on both; my left eye makes up for the vision cut in the right, but I do not have a third eye to make it up for it in my left eye. Neal said, "Well that is dumb! why don't you grow another one?" I countered with, Why don't you grow some hair?! His wife laughed, so I thought I was safe.
While having Sunday dinner with the Baugh side of the family, my Uncle Mike told me that he thought of me while he was at the gym earlier in the week, when he put on something with the CHAMPION logo.
Abby is my cuddle bug and loves to come and crawl in bed with me, it stalls her from having to go to bed and gives her a bit longer to stretch and fully/properly wake up. I treasure these one-one moments with her. I get to tease her about any cute boys, or her latest Daughter of a DORK, she's my DD for short, moment(s). One morning her told me about her imaginary friend, Sophrina, who has long blond hair, is very good at math and has a list of favorite colors, surprisingly similar to hers.
At the first of the season, Jaylee's B-day swim party at Uncle Mike's, Matt and my Pa commented on how daredevish Maxwell has become, with him asking Matt to throw and flip him in the pool. I, of course took credit for the change, reminding them that I was home with him now and therefore he is under my continual careful care to do such things.
I come inside from a roll around the block to find Abby "brooming up" cereal spilled on the floor.
Maxwell fell asleep with me and woke himself up laughing by "fluffing," the word we use instead of "fart."
Max is figuring his world out, always asking questions like, "Dad, why do roadrunners not have brains? What is 23+52?
Matt and Jen gave me a tshirt with the word BAZINGA(inside joke for The Big Bang watchers) on the front and a yellow cap velcroed on the back. I especially like to wear it to therapy, where Mikey my therapist likes to come and hold the cape out while I walk around and any familyoutting, yesterday I accidentally tucked the cape into my pants after using the bathroom. While I was working up at KUED after my accident I would call Matt, who works across the golf/Frisbee golf course to come help make sure that I got my pants all the way over my left hip before leaving the bathroom, which was one of Lexy's concerns for me going back to work. One more wardrobe malfunction was that I put my t shirt that has DORK in bold red letters on the front on backwards while getting out of Uncle Mike's pool, if only I could have claimed to have done it on purpose.
I am reading 'It is good to be alive.' by Jason Rushton. I had the upportunity of hearing him speak when he came and visited the rehab floor of the University of Utah while I was there. I love his sense of humor, on the inside of the bookcover is the expert from his book, "I always wanted to be the best at something and though that I could be the bestquadraplegic,but then Christopher Reeve broke his neck and I was competing with Superman!
On fathers day I was talking to my three kids and telling them that they are the best fathers day presents because they made me a father. Max piped up and said, "Abby and I made you a fatrher, Coleman made you a clown dad!" I am fine with that observation and am very much relieved that he didn't say a tyrant, which is what I feel that I have become at times as Mr. Mom.
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Dead ends
Thursday, June 12, 2014
I am prone to become this in my anticipation for the upcoming, next lesson to learn.Life is repeatedly teaching me to take a "What lack I yet?"approach, that Elder Worthin spoke on a few years ago, to the never ending lessons that present themselves to me.
I know that a "Change of heart" comes for me one cardiac muscle fiber at a time (see Alma 5:46)
I was astounded at my little brother's profoundness when I chatted with him about this uneasy feeling. my Kevy told me that Napoleon always would burn his ships, so that his army would know that there was no retreat option. Love you my Kevy. So, retreat isn't an option. Keep stumbling forward.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Moving explanation
So now the hunt is on while we are at Lexy's parents place until we find what we need. . .
Have I mentioned one of my favorite quotes "the problem with praying for patience is that we want it right now!"
Good things come to those who wait, I only say that now because my wait is over. I am excited to report that we have found a home! 735W. Morning Dew Dr.We are so excited to be close to family. Lex is already planning projects. Prayers are answered. We went over to check things out and our to be next door neighbor Kerm Mckay came over with tears in his eyes to give me a hug, he was so excited.
Friday, June 6, 2014
Confessions of an aspiring CHAMPION
In taking a deep breath and calming myself down, I reread how President Uchdorf used the term," We all want to be respected and esteemed. We want to be champions. But we mortals do not become champions without effort and discipline or without making mistakes(You Can Do it Now, Oct. 2013)."I feel better about facing the right direction.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Is the rumor true? Moving explanation
We are seeking the faith to do what we know is best for our family right now, to be closer to family and within walking distance from the kids school.Lex's mom keeps reminding me that we will get a "red light feeling" if we are not doing what our Heavenly Father wants us to do right now, so I'm hoping for that faith. We sold in three days and met the family that will live here. I am excited for them and know that they will be welcomed here.I even convinced my self that this move may be for them and their best. After all, the worth of a soul isn't measurable in His eyes. Lex and I are loved as perfectly as April and her family are by Him. I am not convinced that we are moving on to bigger and /or better, just that He is in charge and knows best and has always provided for us as we give our imperfect best.
Now look what you've done! turned on the water works and I don't know how the off switch works.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Reflection on speaking to a LDS mutual group on May 6th, 2014
Monday, May 5, 2014
Welcome back. . .
In my adjustment to life's current therapy of moving. I am committing to a weekly post. Anything else is bonus, but that can change as quickly as the Spring weather does here in Utah, 82 one day and snow the next, but we cannot complain about getting water in any form when we live in a desert.
Friday, May 2, 2014
"You must be the change you seek for in the world"
My Grandma Baugh informed me that there is a new law in effect the 27th of May 2014 that outlaws the use of cell phones in a car in Utah without a hands free device.
Lex told me that at her work, Paradigm High School, the students participated in an assembly where the focus was impaired/distracted driving. The overall feeling that she got from them was that, "Their parents talk on their phones while diving, so why couldn't the do the same?"Lex tried to tell them that "we," their parents generation, don't know any better and that they could be a good example to their parents by not doing it and reminding them not too.