Saturday, May 10, 2014

Reflection on speaking to a LDS mutual group on May 6th, 2014

We were asked to speak in the ward of one of Lexy’s friends about our story, they were doing a mutual night on the use of media and technology. Lexy did an amazing job,she was in her element speaking to the youth.  She let me go first and had reviewed her blog posts, from almost 4 years ago now, but got up without notes and explained her reality of life pre and post accident. She even had the participants try to put on a sock or jacket while using only one arm.
I felt flustered that I just read my talk and even lost my place a few times, but Lex reassured me that I did well. Before we spoke the Bishop of the ward shared his thoughts on the section of the Strength of Youth pamphlet that covers media use. He shared a clip from Elder Bednar speaking on the wonderful time that we live in and how marvelous it is to live in such a time where the Lord is hastening His work through the use of technology. I loved how he emphasized that in a coming day we will be encircled in His arms of love and that will be a real experience, not a virtual one.

This was my talk: August 1, 2010, started like any other Sunday, we went to our church meetings and then came home and were able to get a siesta in before we were to go to my parent’s home for Sunday dinner. Lex wasn’t feeling well, so I told her to rest at home while I took our two kids. It was a fun evening with my family. I was excited that my older brother and his family were in town and we stayed later than we normally would have. I remember the madness of getting everyone in our new pontiac G3 and with my families help, thankfully, we were all buckled in and headed on our way home to my wife.
I do not remember anything about the “bump,” as we like to call it with our kids. Abby, who was 4 remembers being held and comforted by a by stander while, I was being removed from the car. She remembers the girl who hit us crying and repeatedly telling us that she was sorry. Abby had a broken arm and Maxwell my then 2 year old had a concussion and bumps and bruises. They rode in the ambulance to Primary children’s hospital, while I was stabilized with a tracheotomy, so that I could breath and then was life flighted to the University of Utah. My wife can tell you of the goings on there because I was placed in a medically induced comma, my first memory coming to was my mother smiling down at me making vowel sounds. I looked at her and tried to say, " Hi mom."  I remember waking up and telling my twin brother that I missed him, pause, A LOTt! I had died and was in a place that looked like the ceiling room of the Salt Lake Temple where Lex and I were married. There was a group of friendly people, dressed in white telling me that I could choose to come with them to where the Celestial room was, where a great light was coming from. I remember feeling a great warmth and love that came from inside me when I thought about going with them, but I told them that I couldn’t, yet. I had to come back the way that I came to finish my life as a husband and father.
My rehab has been what the founder of Neuroworx Dale Hull, where I do PT, glacerly slow, I feel every millimeter of slow, and grating progress, while others see the big chunks fall off when I take a step or move my arm.I am learning to rejoice in the small and simple things, no more running over my youngest with my wheelchair while trying to change his diaper, yeah for potty training, getting to volunteer ever week in my Abby’s classroom, and even being able to breath by myself, eat food and drink, and use the bathroom without help. I enjoy reading with my kids or anything by Dan Brown or Gospel related. I am on a book exchange with my grandma. I love being outside rolls around my block or gardening in my raised gardening boxes that my local scout group custom made for me.
I have days that I wake up and I hurt, physically, mentally, emotionally, as well as spiritually. I ask why? And have always received a peaceful feeling of love in response. I know that we are all loved and that we are here to become like our Father in Heaven so that we can return and live with Him. I know that this is only possible because of the atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ. Pull over or use a hands free device if you need to use your phone and drive. Someone else’s life may depend on it.

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