Wednesday, September 30, 2015

CHAMPION General Conference Eve (TgIF #5)

I read, in this months Ensign, how Elder Anderson celebrated "Conference Eve" on the Friday before General Conference while raising his family to help his kiddos get excited about General Confetence.  I especially liked the fact that he emphasized not to expect children to sit through 6 hrs of conference. I love how realistic this is and that he was able to stull convey the importance of it to them.

Here's my grattitude journal for this week:

Coleman's a wake-up cuddler with a 4am, "I just knew you needed a hug dad," I do love you moment, even at 4am.
Medications that work(i've had some that didn't, which makes me even more grateful for these that do): my muscle relaxent, anti-insomnia, & antidepressant

Theraputic cleaning, of myself, my thoughts and my surroundings, I tend to be a product of my environment and am grateful that I have the control that I do over my environmentand am not confined to a bed or even a wheelchair.
Sleeping through the night, thanks to a working medication. I unfortunately know why this i'd used as a torture technique.
Norwex body cloths that help me keep clean between showers. A shower chair and Lex's help with it. It suctions itself to the tub floor, which makes it safe, but also impossible for me to move out one-armed.
My CHAMPION Cuz Arron's example of serving others in the homeless shelter. He text me and told me that he ran one of his friends to the ER because "he was in a bad place."
Dr. Robinson telling me how it is with my pride, "Curtis, you need to take a humble pill, apparently life hasn't served you enough of one."
Jam from Christine Tate, rasberry-peach, yum. It's like Christmas came early.
Mary Myers commenting on my blog. You make me want to keep writting. Thanks

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