My Grandma Baugh says I should write a book, other than a bunch of saved memos and letters to her, this is another step forward to do just that
Sunday, August 29, 2021
Thursday, July 1, 2021
Sunday, June 13, 2021
Friday, May 7, 2021
"Appropriately Disinhibited"
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Summer of Lagoon
my CHAMPION Wife(Well, ex now(sadness, don’t get me started)) decided to get our CHAMPION Kiddos season passes for the last few years and this year is the first time that I felt up to getting one for myself to be able to go with them. From racing them around on my portable scooter, ‘Golden Bubbles’ to stopping at Pace’s Dairy Anns for ‘Rainbows’ on the way home. Even the Corona Virus couldn’t keep us from enjoying our time together. In fact it even helped by keeping the crowds away. We had to get an appointment to be able to get in. Thanks to my amazing sisters getting on board, we even wore them all out by going so often. They don’t even realize how good they have it, but I didn’t either at their age. Anyone up for a ‘Lazy Summer Day?’ I cant believe that they’re asking me,’when are we going again so that we can go on ‘Canibal’ with you dad?’ Lucky me.
The most CHAMPION part of the whole experience and what made me decide to buy us all passes again as my Christmas present was the fact that our CHAMPION Kiddos took care of me: from helping me get onto rides to fighting over who got to sit next to me.Saturday, April 11, 2020
Paradigm shift
This has changed the way that I view myself.I no longer think of myself as broken.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
1. Remember that I am a BELOVED Child of God.
2. Remember that there's a plan for me.
3. Remember Jesus Christ.
He taught this right after President Taylor shared the new Young Men's theme:
I am a beloved son of God, and He has a work for me to do.
With all my heart, might, mind, and strength, I will love God, keep my covenants, and use His priesthood to serve others, beginning in my own home.
As I strive to serve, exercise faith, repent, and improve each day, I will qualify to receive temple blessings and the enduring joy of the gospel.
I will prepare to become a diligent missionary, loyal husband, and loving father by being a true disciple of Jesus Christ.
I will help prepare the world for the Savior’s return by inviting all to come unto Christ and receive the blessings of His Atonement.
It doesn't get more CHAMPION. My goal is to memorize it with my Maxwell.