Tuesday, November 24, 2020


I am grateful for 2020/2021: Saturday,November 21st: A prophet of God living today. this gives me CHAMPION peace in a world of comotion. Sunday, November 22nd: The opportunity to serve my GB and administer the sacrament to her in her home every Sunday.(This wouldn't have happend if there wasn't COVID-19. So There is a silver-lining for me) I told my twin Bro, Matt about how CHAMPION it is to hear her ask my "Pa" questions from her scripture study every week. He responded by asking me if I asked her to send her questions to me early in the week so that I'd have time to study them. I told him that he didn't get it, that I was there to sit and learn from their conversation and not be in the way. Monday, November 23rd: My CHAMPION Sisters because they let me be their kiddos' weird uncle. I went to my Maymers' house to meet my Cole-Cole after school and stayed until bedtime. She fed me and let me read books to her youngest, Kyle. He melted my heart when he'd go to get another book for me to read to him, he'd come back and tell me that he missed me. Tuesday, November 24: A job that I love and allows me to feel like, "I'm saving the world, one book at a time." I didn't love it as much yesterday, when I had to be in at 8:30 Am. My sticky-note-horse-blinder usually says, "If we can do Monday Mornings, we can do anything." I wasn't scheduled to be in until 11AM today and even got her a lttle after 10 and still had time to rife my recumbant bike for 2 miles.

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