It's Christmas in the library too. We read How The Grinch stole Christmas and this week we're watching Charlie Brown's Christmas. I ask these questions before the show that I found online at
Pre-Show questions
1. A Charlie Brown Christmas is a made for TV special that some families have a tradition of watching every holiday
season. What are some traditions you have with your family? Can you think of a new tradition to try this year?
2. Charlie Brown can't seem to catch the holiday spirit. What do you do to get you in the holiday mood?
3. Charlie Brown doesn't think the true meaning of Christmas can be bought at a store. What do you think is the true
meaning of Christmas?
4. Charlie Brown is feeling down and out, and his friends try to cheer him up. How do you help cheer up friends when
they are feeling blue?
and these at the end, again thanks to :
1. At the beginning of the show, Charlie Brown says he doesn’t understand Christmas. Do you think he understands
it better at the end of the show? How would you explain Christmas to someone like Charlie Brown?
2. Commercialization means to exploit or manage something to make a profit. What other holidays are commercialized? What is lost when people commercialize things?
3. Linus says that the tree Charlie Brown got ‘just needed a little love.’ What have you made better by giving a little
love? What other things that don’t cost money can you give during the holiday season, and the rest of the year?
4. All the kids work together at the end to give Charlie Brown a Christmas gift. When have you worked together with
others? How is working as a team different than doing something by yourself? How does cooperation and teamwork make you feel?
Thanks to a coworker, we read The Quilter's Gift earlier this month too. I love finding books that I've never heard of as well as ones that I remember from my childhood.
It was short lived. We were asked not to show this when our administration walked through at the part where Linus is giving the true meaning of Christmas. When I got home and told my family, they ageed that it would be better if there was more holidays celebrated, not less.
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